
Each campus has a library with a wide selection of books and magazines related to all subject areas taught within the college and our extensive study skills sections might be a good place to start your studies.

The libraries/learning hubs contain PCs for research and study, study tables for group and individual work and a number of individual, quiet study booths.

We have for sale a wide range of stationery items, have printing and photocopying facilities and offer help and advice on finding information, referencing and much more.

View the Library Catalogue online.

The Learning & Digital Resources team are based in our libraries and can support and help you during your time at college. If you need help or assistance with anything as wide ranging as, how to add page numbers to your essay, to where can I book a PC, then please just come and ask.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours
(all campuses):

8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday to Friday

Contact Us


Arbroath: 01241 432717
Gardyne: 01382 834813
Kingsway: 01382 834849