Guest lecturers from NOVA College come to D&A
Students at Dundee and Angus College were recently given the opportunity to learn from two guest lecturers from America during their visit to the city.
Peter Ruffner, Lecturer in English for speakers of other languages (ESOL), and Sarah Liberatore in Art History both from NOVA College in Northern Virginia visited Dundee and Angus College. They spent two days at the college seeing around the facilities, meeting staff, and engaging with students.
Peter visited an ESOL Intermediate class where he spoke about language learning in the USA and some of the similarities and differences between American and British English. It was a lively and engaging talk, with students asking many questions.
Sarah delivered a guest lecture on Feminist Art in the USA which went down extremely well, with students finding it very engaging. Sarah also gave students advice on their academic writing on the subject too.
Speaking on the visit Angela Vettraino, Academic Partnerships Manager at Dundee and Angus College said, “It was great to have Sarah and Peter visit and there was so much mutual benefit to their visit. The students got a lot from their input - not just about the subjects that Sarah and Peter deliver, but also finding out more about education and culture in the US. Similarly, Sarah and Peter both said they learned a lot not just about how we deliver academic subjects, but about our approach to student support overall, and they are keen to bring some of the learning from D&A back to their own college.”