Associate Trainer Focus: The Sporting Pursuit
We spoke to Stevie Baxter of The Sporting Pursuit, one of our associate trainers specialising in leadership and character development training, about the fantastic work he does on behalf of the college.
1. What training do you provide on behalf of D&A College?
Here at The Sporting Pursuit, we provide bespoke training to companies across Dundee & Angus through the Flexible Workforce Development Fund. We specialise in Talent, Leadership & Character Development with a people-centred focus. We bring the world of high performance sport to boardrooms of business, classrooms of higher education and medical operating rooms. Creating high performing teams in sport, business or education all rely on the same thing...PEOPLE.
2. What impact does this training have on business clients?
We work with a lot of businesses around leadership development and management and the differences between the two subject areas. We help people go from good to great and empower individuals to really self-reflect, understand others, how to best connect and communicate and then transfer words into actions, how you transfer strategic words and values into every day behaviours and habits that create a culture of excellence.
3. What do you enjoy the most about the training you provide?
When people have an open mind and connect to their work/job through the insights from the world of sport. How strategies and process from teams like the All Blacks, the Golden State Warriors and Formula 1 Teams can actually provide best practice from sport to your work and life to help you be the best leader and employee you can be.
Stevie speaking at a D&A College event hosted by our Business Partnerships Team.
4. What do you like about working with D&A College in partnership?
The team, the people in the Business Partnerships Team are rock stars and they just get it, they know their local business, they know the people to connect with and they know us so that we are always a great fit to support local business and provide training for their staff.
5. What are your thoughts on the benefits of partnership working?
I believe that you cannot be successful on your own, even self-made millionaires need people to buy a product or service and being able to bring partners that have a different view of life, a certain situation or can provide a bespoke service will help you and your business achieve in a variety of different ways. For me, partnership working is how we make the business world go round!
Find out more
Contact the D&A Business Partnerships Team
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