Meet Debbie Robson

Debbie is a full-time lecturer in Professional Cookery whose career in education began after an appearance on a TV show led to a new opportunity.

“I had been working in a restaurant on the Isle of Skye, and was about to start a new role as the Head Chef of the Seafood Restaurant in Fife, when I was invited to appear on ‘Britain’s Best Dish – The Chefs’. Having been very successful on the show, I was approached by Dundee and Angus College to do some lecturing on a part-time basis.”

Debbie believes that being open about her own experiences in the industry helps ignite interest in the subjects she teaches.

“Sharing insight into my own background allows learners to see the possibilities and opportunities that a career in hospitality provides. I try to inspire my students to see every day as an opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. It’s important to me to guide them through their learning journey, helping them to become enthusiastic, passionate and confident that they can achieve their goals.”