Attendance and Achievement

We know that if you engage with your classes then you are more likely to achieve your qualification, however, there may be a time when you are unwell or medically unfit to participate

Bursary/EMA Payments

Your funding payments are subject to fully engaging and attending, if necessary, 100%. Should your tutor report that you have not fully engaged or your on-site attendance falls below 100% you may not receive a payment for that week. It is therefore important that you follow the instructions below on reporting absences. A payment schedule is included with your award letter and a copy is stored within your mailbox of your online application.

All absences must be reported to your group tutor before or on the first day of your absence via MyD&A Life. Videos on how to access and use MyD&A Life can be found in the How to... Videos section of this site.

Certificate of Absence

You should complete a certificate of absence by logging into your MyD&A Life account, this must be submitted within 5 working days from the first day of your absence. Absence due to the illness of someone other than yourself is only acceptable if the absence is due to the illness of an adult or child dependant.

You have a maximum of 21 certification of absence hours from August – Mid January (Semester 1) and a further 21 hours from end of January – June (Semester 2).

Watch the video below to find out how to log an absence.

Medical Certification

Should any absence be more than 5 working days a medical certificate/fit note from a doctor will be required. This must be submitted in person or by email to the Campus Help Points ( within 5 working days of your return to studying. A maximum allowance of 1 week per semester can be used for this type of absence.

Please note that some doctors now charge a fee for providing medical/fit notes. It is the student’s responsibility to pay for this.

Failure to submit the appropriate certification may result in payments being withheld.


All appointments with the doctor, dentist etc must be made out with your timetabled hours of study. If you deem it necessary to attend this type of appointment you must cover this absence with a certificate of absence. The only exception to this is where the appointment cannot be rescheduled i.e. hospital/court appearances. For these you must provide evidence to the Campus Help Points within 5 working days of the appointment taking place.