Articulation agreements

Explore our articulation agreements by subject area, and the HNC / HND that you can do at D&A College:


HNC Accounting
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen MA Accountancy 1+3 120 SCQF points in HNC.
A in all Graded Units.
Curriculum to include: Research Skills (F60A34).
Abertay BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance with Business Analytics 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Accounting with Finance 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance with People Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with Analytics 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with Events Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with People Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance 1+3 Income tax module, if available.
Pass Graded Units. Require 120 SCQF credit points from HNC.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Business & Management 1+3 Income tax module, if available. C in Graded Unit. Require 120 SCQF credit points from HNC.
Open University BA Hons Business Management (accounting pathways) Credit transfer HNC to include 3 units related to marketing, Economics, HRM, Law, Business Culture, Personal Financial Services, or mathematics and statistics for business.
Queen Margaret BA (Hons) Business Management   Graded Unit B.
HND Accounting
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen MA Accountancy 2+2 A in all Graded Units; curriculum to include Research Skills and Company Law
240 SCQF credit points from HND.
Abertay BA (Hons) Accounting with Finance 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Abertay BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance with Business Analytics 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Abertay BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance with People Management 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance 2+2 Income tax module, if available.
Pass Graded Units.
240 SCQF credit points from HND.
Open University BA Hons Business Management Credit transfer HND to include 3 units related to marketing, Economics, HRM, Law, Business Culture, Personal Financial Services, or mathematics and statistics for business.
Queen Margaret BA (Hons) Business Management with finance 2+2 CB in Graded Units and strong tutor reference and personal statement. 240 SCQF credit points in HND
Robert Gordon BA Hons Accounting and Finance (Taught route) 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.

Animal Care

HNC Animal Care
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen MSc Animal Behaviour 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Units.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34)) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course.
Aberdeen BSc Biological Sciences 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Units.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34)) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course.
Aberdeen BSc Biology 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Units.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course.
Aberdeen BSc Conservation Biology 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Units.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course.
Aberdeen BSc Ecology 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Units.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course.
Aberdeen BSc Marine Biology 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Units.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course.
Aberdeen BSc Plant and Soil Science 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Units.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course.
Aberdeen BSc Zoology 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Units.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course.
HND Animal Care
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen BSc Animal Behaviour and Welfare 2+2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Unit 1. A in Graded Unit 2.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course and Statistics for Science (H8XT33) unit or Aberdeen University Online Statistics Course (BI2021).

Aberdeen BSc Biological Sciences 2+2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Unit 1. A in Graded Unit 2.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course and Statistics for Science (H8XT33) unit or Aberdeen University Online Statistics Course (BI2021).

Aberdeen BSc Biology 2+2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Unit 1. A in Graded Unit 2.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course and Statistics for Science (H8XT33) unit or Aberdeen University Online Statistics Course (BI2021).

Aberdeen BSc Ecology 2+2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Unit 1. A in Graded Unit 2.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course and Statistics for Science (H8XT33) unit or Aberdeen University Online Statistics Course (BI2021).


Aberdeen BSc Zoology 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Unit 1. A in Graded Unit 2.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course and Statistics for Science (H8XT33) unit or Aberdeen University Online Statistics Course (BI2021).
Aberdeen MA Education (Biology) 2+2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points) and B in Graded Unit 1. A in Graded Unit 2.
Curriculum to include: either Ecology unit (H39A 34) or Aberdeen University Online Introductory Ecology Course and Statistics for Science (H8XT33) unit or Aberdeen University Online Statistics Course (BI2021).

*Satisfactory completion: Interview, PVG check, Higher English and Nat5 Maths (or equivalent).

Art & Design

HND Computer Arts and Design (Animation)
University Course Type Entry requirements
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Interactive Media 2+2 B or above in Graded Unit. Must have achieved 240 SCQF credits in HND.
Robert Gordon University BA (Hons) Communication Design 2+2

Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND

Grade B in the Graded Unit

Attendance at interview

Portfolio review

HND Computer Arts and Design (Digital)
University Course Type Entry requirements
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Interactive Media 2+2 B or above in Graded Unit. Must have achieved 240 SCQF credits in HND.
Robert Gordon University BA (Hons) Communication Design 2+2

Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND

Grade B in the Graded Unit

Attendance at interview

Portfolio review
HND Contemporary Art Practice
University Course Type Entry requirements
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Art and Contemporary Practices 2+2 B or above in the Graded Unit.
Plus 240 SCQF credits in HND.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Fine Art 2+2 B or above in the Graded Unit.
Plus 240 SCQF credits in HND.
Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Fine Art – Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Moving Image


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND and

Grade B in the Graded Unit

Attendance at interview

Portfolio review
HND Photography
University Course Type Entry requirements
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Visual Communication and Design



B or above in Graded Unit. Must have achieved 240 SCQF credits in HND. Applications considered on an individual basis.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Fine Art


B or above in Graded Unit. Must have achieved 240 SCQF credits in HND. Applications considered on an individual basis.
Robert Gordon University

BA Photography


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND and

Grade B in the Graded Unit

Attendance at interview

Portfolio review
HND Textiles
University Course Type Entry requirements
Glasgow Caledonia BA (Hons) Fashion Design Business 2 + 2 AB/BA in Graded Units
Heriot Watt BA (Hons) Design for Textiles 2+2 HND students should pass the course with 30 credits and achieve:
BB in Graded Unit – year 3 entry.
Additional requirements:
suitable portfolio demonstrating interest in communication design / illustration / digital design. Details online -
Selection is dependent on interview.
Students should meet the English Language entry requirements for the programme and the University.
Students should also present with an excellent UCAS personal statement and academic reference.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Contemporary Textiles 2+2 You will be required to submit a portfolio of visual work which clearly demonstrates your capacity to cope with the demands of the BA (Hons) Contemporary Textiles
C or above in the Graded Unit.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Fine Art  2+2 You will be required to submit a portfolio of visual work which clearly demonstrates your capacity to cope with the demands of the BA (Hons) Fine Art.
C or above in the Graded Unit. Must have achieved 240 SCQF credits in HND.
Robert Gordon University BA (Hons) Fashion and Textile Design 2+2

Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND and

Grade B in the Graded Unit

Attendance at interview

Portfolio review

Building Services & Built Environment

HND Architectural Technology
University Course Type Entry requirements
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology 2+2 B or above in Graded Unit.
Napier BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology 2+2

Pass HN with BB in Graded Unit

HND Civil Engineering
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BEng (Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Heriot Watt BEng (Hons) MEng Structural Engineering 2+2 HND students should achieve:
Pass HND with 30 units.
BA in Graded Units.
A in final Graded Unit.
At least SCQF L7 in a relevant Mathematics course, i.e. H72M 34.
Maths for Civil Engineering.
Students should meet the English Language entry requirements for the programme and the University.
Students should also present with an excellent UCAS personal statement and academic reference.
Heriot Watt BEng (Hons)/ MEng Civil Engineering 2+2 HND students should achieve:
Pass HND with 30 units.
BA in Graded Units.
A in final Graded Unit.
At least SCQF L7 in a relevant Mathematics course, i.e. H72M 34.
Maths for Civil Engineering.
Students should meet the English. Language entry requirements for the programme and the University.
Students should also present with an excellent UCAS personal statement and academic reference.
Napier BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering (Graduate Apprenticeship) 2+2

Pass HND with B in Graded Unit

Including passes in Mathematics for Construction (SCQF Level 6) and Maths for Civil Engineering (SCQF Level 7) & Applied Maths for Civil Engineering (SCQF Level 8)
HNC Civil Engineering
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BEng (Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering 1+3 Completion on HNC
Highlands and Islands BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering (Graduate Apprenticeship), year 2. 1+3 B or above in graded unit 1. You must be in full time employment as a trainee Civil Engineer or Civil Engineer Technician and have the approval of your employer prior to application.
Napier BEng/ BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering  1+3

Pass HNC with B in Graded Unit 

Including passes in Mathematics for Construction (SCQF Level 6) and Maths for Civil Engineering (SCQF Level 7) 

HNC Electrical Engineering
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen BEng Engineering (Electrical and Electronic)  1 + 3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (140 SCQF credit points)

A in all Graded Units

Curriculum to include:

Engineering Maths 1, 2 & 3 (or equivalent)

Students are strongly advised to take part in the university's Engineering Transitional Summer School

Highlands and Islands BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1+3 Pass in Engineering Mathematics 2
Highlands and Islands BEng (Hons) Energy Engineering 1+3 Pass in Engineering Mathematics 2
Napier BEng/ BEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering 1+3

Pass HNC with B in Graded Unit 

And Engineering Maths 1,2,&3

HNC Architectural Technology
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BEng (Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering 1+3 Pass HNC

Business & Administration

HNC Business
University Course Type Entry requirements  
Aberdeen MA Business Management 1+2 A in all Graded Units.
120 SCQF credit points from HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.  
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with Analytics 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.  
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with Events Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.  
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with People Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.  
Abertay BA (Hons) Digital Marketing and Business Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.  
Abertay BA (Hons) Digital Marketing with Events Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.  
Abertay BA (Hons) Marketing and Business Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.  
Dundee BSc Business Economics with Marketing 1+2 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the Graded Unit of the HNC. 120 SCQF credits at level 7.  
Dundee BSc Business Management 1+2 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the Graded Unit of the HNC. 120 SCQF credits at level 7.  
Dundee BSc Economics 1+2 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the Graded Unit of the HNC. 120 SCQF credits at level 7.  
Dundee BSc International Business 1+2 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the Graded Unit of the HNC. 120 SCQF credits at level 7.  
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Business and Management 1+3 C or above in Graded Unit. Requires 120 credit points from HNC.  
Open University BA (Hons) Business Management Credit transfer Satisfactory completion of HNC.  
Queen Margaret BA (Hons) Business Management 1+3 Graded Unit B.  
Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) International Business Management


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Business and Management



Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Business with Human Resource Management


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Business with Marketing


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Business Management online degree


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Robert Gordon University BA (Hons) Events Management




Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Business with Finance and Economics


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) International Hospitality Management


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Robert Gordon University BA (Hons) Digital Marketing



Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) International Tourism Management

1+3 Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.  
Robert Gordon University BA (Hons) Digital Marketing with Business Analytics


1+3 Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.  
Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Fashion Management


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

HND Administration & Information Technology
University Course Type Entry requirements
Napier BSc (Hons) Informatics for Business 2+2 HND Grade B in Graded Unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Business and Management 2+2 HND Grade C in Graded Unit
Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Business and Management


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course.

Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Business with Human Resource Management

2+2 Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course.
Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Business with Marketing

2+2 Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course.
Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Business Management online degree

2+2 Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course.
HND Business
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen MA Business Management 2+2 A in all Graded Units. 240 SCQF credit points in HND.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with Analytics 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with People Management 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Abertay BA (Hons) Digital Marketing and Business Management 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Abertay BA (Hons) Digital Marketing and Events Management 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Marketing with Events Management 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Dundee BSc Business Economics with Marketing 2+2 All applicants should normally have passed Higher Mathematics at grade C or above for entry to Economics Programmes. All elements of the HND. Applicants must obtain A in the Graded Unit of the HND. 120 SCQF credits at level 7. 120 SCQF credits at Level 8. 
Dundee BSc Business Management 2+2 All applicants should normally have passed Higher Mathematics at grade C or above for entry to Economics Programmes. All elements of the HND. Applicants must obtain A in the Graded Unit of the HND. 120 SCQF credits at level 7. 120 SCQF credits at Level 8. 
Dundee BSc Economics 2+2 All applicants should normally have passed Higher Mathematics at grade C or above for entry to Economics Programmes. All elements of the HND. Applicants must obtain A in the Graded Unit of the HND. 120 SCQF credits at level 7. 120 SCQF credits at Level 8. 
Dundee BSc International Business 2+2 All applicants should normally have passed Higher Mathematics at grade C or above for entry to Economics Programmes. All elements of the HND. Applicants must obtain A in the Graded Unit of the HND. 120 SCQF credits at level 7. 120 SCQF credits at Level 8.
Highlands and Islands BA Hons Business and Management 2+2 Graded Unit C or above, plus 240 SCQF credits in HND.
Open University BA Hons Business Management Credit transfer See articulation agreement for details of requirements and credits.
Queen Margaret MA Hons Business Management with Analytics 2+2 CB in Graded Units and strong tutor reference and personal statement. 240 SCQF credit points in HND.
Queen Margaret MA Hons Business Management with Finance  2+2 CB in Graded Units and strong tutor reference and personal statement. 240 SCQF credit points in HND
Queen Margaret MA Hons Business Management with Digital Marketing  2+2 CB in Graded Units and strong tutor reference and personal statement. 240 SCQF credit points in HND
Queen Margaret MA Hons Business Management with HRM 2+2 CB in Graded Units and strong tutor reference and personal statement. 240 SCQF credit points in HND.
Robert Gordon BA Hons Business with Human Resource Management 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Robert Gordon BA Hons Business with Marketing 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Robert Gordon BA (Hons) Events Management 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Business Management online degree

2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) International Tourism Management


2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Business with Finance and Economics


2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) International Hospitality Management

2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Digital Marketing

2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Digital Marketing with Business Analytics

2+2  Satisfactory completion of HND.
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Fashion Management


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course.

HNC Administration & Information Technology
University Course Type Entry requirements

BA (Hons) Business and Management

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC

BA (Hons) Business Management with Analytics

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with Events Management


1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with People Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Business and Management 1+3 C in graded unit of HNC
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Business and Management

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Business with Human Resource Management

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Business with Marketing

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Business Management online degree

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Robert Gordon BA (Hons) Business with Finance and Economics


1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC

Children & Young People

HNC Childhood Practice
University Course Type Entry requirements
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Child and Youth Studies 1+3 Must have achieved 120 SCQF credits points in HNC. C or above in the Graded Unit.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Childhood Practice 1+3 Have at least two years’ work experience in an appropriate setting PLUS:
A recognised SSSC practitioner qualification such as HNC Childhood Practice OR
A relevant SCQF level 7 qualification, for example: Social Services: Children and Young People; Children’s Care Learning and Development/Playwork; or equivalent.
For applicants without sufficient credits, modules are available to help you reach the required level.
You must be employed within a relevant workplace environment.
Open University BA Hons Childhood and Youth Studies Credit Transfer  
Open University BA Hons Early Childhood Credit transfer See articulation agreement for details of credits.
Open University Diploma of Higher Education in Early Childhood Credit transfer See articulation agreement for details of credits.

Computing & Creative Media

HNC Computer Games Development
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BSc Hons Computer Games Applications Development 1+3 With either SQA Higher Maths at B or bespoke Maths.
Abertay BSc Hons Computing 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.

BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Cybersecurity

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC with H1F7 Professionalism and Ethics in Computing

BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking

1+3  Satisfactory completion of HNC with H1F7 Professionalism and Ethics in Computing
Dundee Bsc Computing Science 1+3 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the graded unit of the HNC.

Completed Java Online Pre-Sessional Module

Specific requirements:
Applicants must have passed Higher Mathematics at a grade C or above.
HNC Cyber Security
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BSc (Hons) Computing 1+3 Need J0HD Scripting for Security.

BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Cybersecurity

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC Cybersecurity with J0HD Scripting for Security
Abertay BSc Hons Ethical Hacking 1+3 Need J0HD Scripting for Security.
Dundee BSc Computing Science 1+3 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the Graded Unit of the HNC. Completed Java Online pre-sessional module. Applicants must have passed Higher Mathematics at grade C or above. 120 SCQF credits at level 7.
HND Computer Games Development
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BSc (Hons) Computing 2+2 With H171 Software Development or F86A Games Development: OOP.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Computing 2+2 HND 2nd Year C or above, Must have achieved 240 credits in HND.
Robert Gordon BSc (Hons) Computing and Creative Design 2+2
  • Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course
  • - Achieve a ‘B’ grade in the Stage 2 Graded Unit project
HND Computing: Software Development
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BSc Hons Computing 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Computing 2+2 HND second year Graded Unit C or above.
Open University BSc Hons Computing and IT practice Credit transfer Students will be expected to demonstrate relevant work experience in an IT setting.
Napier BEng (Hons) Software Engineering 2+2 HND Grade B in Graded Unit
Robert Gordon BSc (Hons) Computing Science 2+2
  • Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course
  • - Achieve a ‘B’ grade in the Stage 2 Graded Unit project
Robert Gordon BSc (Hons) Computing and Creative Design 2+2
  • Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course
  • - Achieve a ‘B’ grade in the Stage 2 Graded Unit project
HND Cyber Security
University Course Type Entry requirements

BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Cybersecurity


HND Cybersecurity with H171 Sof Dev: OOP or J272J Comp Programming and HH3L Programming: App Math

Abertay BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking 2+2 Need H171 Soft Dev:OOP or J272J Comp Programming and HH3L Programming: App Math.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Computing 2+2 HND second year Graded Unit C or above and 240 SCQF credit points in HND.

Napier BSc (Hons) Cyber Security & Forensics 2+2 HND Grade B in Graded Unit plus Digital Forensics Module
Open University BSc (Hons) Computing & IT Practice Credit transfer Students will be expected to demonstrate relevant work experience in an IT setting.
Robert Gordon BSc (Hons) Cyber Security 2+2
  • Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course
  • - Achieve a ‘B’ grade in the Stage 2 Graded Unit project
  • - Work towards a professional qualification (e.g. CISCO CCNA) is recommended
HNC Digital Design and Web Development
University Course Type Entry requirements
Dundee BSc Computing Science 1+3 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the graded unit of the HNC.

Completed Java Online Pre-Sessional Module

Specific requirements:
Applicants must have passed Higher Mathematics at a grade C or above.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Computing 1+3 B or above in graded unit. Applicants considered on an individual basis. 
Napier BSc (Hons) Web Development 1+3 HNC Grade B in Graded
HNC Computing: Software Development
University Course  Type Entry requirements
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Cybersecurity 1+3 to inlcude H17X Software Development: Programme Foundations
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Ethical Hacking 1+3  to inlcude H17X Software Development: Programme Foundations
Abertay BSc (Hons) Computing 1+3  to inlcude H17X Software Development: Programme Foundations
HND Computer Arts and Design (Digital)
University Course  Type Entry requirements
Abertay BA (Hons) Computer Art 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND
Highlands & Islands BA (Hons) Interactive Media 2+2 B or above in graded unit.
Robert Gordon University

BSc (Hons) Computing and Creative Design

  • Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course
  • - Achieve a ‘B’ grade in the Stage 2 Graded Unit project

Advisory to students: Students would benefit from initial exposure to programming skills in C#, JavaScript and Visual Programming prior to entry.

HND Digital Design and Web Development
University Course  Type Entry requirements
Robert Gordon University BSc (Hons) Computing and Creative Design 2+2
  • Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course
  • - Achieve a ‘B’ grade in the Stage 2 Graded Unit project

Advisory to students: Students would benefit from initial exposure to programming skills in C#, JavaScript and Visual Programming prior to entry.


HNC Engineering Mechanical
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen BEng Engineering (Civil and Environmental) 1+3 A in all Graded Units and 120 SCQF credit points in HNC. Curriculum to include Maths 1, 2 and 3 or equivalent. Students are strongly advised to take part in the university's Engineering Transitional Summer School
Aberdeen BEng Engineering (Civil and Structural) 1+3 A in all Graded Units and 120 SCQF credit points in HNC. Curriculum to include Maths 1, 2 and 3 or equivalent. Students are strongly advised to take part in the university's Engineering Transitional Summer School
Aberdeen BEng Engineering (Civil) 1+3 A in all Graded Units and 120 SCQF credit points in HNC. Curriculum to include Maths 1, 2 and 3 or equivalent. Students are strongly advised to take part in the university's Engineering Transitional Summer School
Aberdeen BEng Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) 1+3 A in all Graded Units and 120 SCQF credit points in HNC. Curriculum to include Maths 1, 2 and 3 or equivalent. Students are strongly advised to take part in the university's Engineering Transitional Summer School
Aberdeen BEng Engineering (Mechanical and Electrical) 1+3 A in all Graded Units and 120 SCQF credit points in HNC. Curriculum to include Maths 1, 2 and 3 or equivalent. Students are strongly advised to take part in the university's Engineering Transitional Summer School
Aberdeen BEng Engineering (Mechanical with Oil and Gas Studies) 1+3 A in all Graded Units and 120 SCQF credit points in HNC. Curriculum to include Maths 1, 2 and 3 or equivalent. Students are strongly advised to take part in the university's Engineering Transitional Summer School
Aberdeen BEng Engineering (Mechanical) 1+3 A in all Graded Units and 120 SCQF credit points in HNC. Curriculum to include Maths 1, 2 and 3 or equivalent. Students are strongly advised to take part in the university's Engineering Transitional Summer School
Dundee BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering  1+3 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the graded unit of the HNC.
Completion of Engineering Mathematics I, II and III with a passing grade.

Specific requirements:
All applicants should enter UoD summer school to complete the on campus SS03010 Advanced Mathematics module.
Dundee BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Renewables  1+3 Specific Credit:
All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the graded unit of the HNC.
Completion of Engineering Mathematics I, II and III with a passing grade.

Specific requirements:
All applicants should enter UoD summer school to complete the on campus SS03010 Advanced Mathematics module.
Highlands and Islands BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering 1+3 C or above in Graded Unit.

BEng/ BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering


HNC with B in Graded Unit. Engineering maths 1,2 3. Thermofluids and Statistics & Strength of Materials required. 


BEng/ BEng (Hons) Energy & Environmental Engineering


HNC with B in Graded Unit. Engineering maths 1,2 3. Thermofluids or equivalent unit

Open University BEng (Hons) Engineering Credit transfer Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Robert Gordon BEng (Hons) Mechanical and Offshore Engineering 1+3

Satisfactory completion of the stated HNC course subject to:

  • Grade ‘B’ in Graded Units

 HNC optional modules to be completed successfully include: Engineering Mathematics 2 and Engineering Drawing

Robert Gordon BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering 1+3

Satisfactory completion of the stated HNC course subject to:

  • Grade ‘B’ in Graded Units

HNC optional modules to be completed successfully include: Engineering Mathematics 2 and Engineering Drawing

Events & Tourism

HNC Travel and Tourism
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with Analytics 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with Events Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with People Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Digital Marketing and Business Management  1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Digital Marketing with Events Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Marketing and Business Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Glasgow Caledonia BA (Hons) International Tourism and Events Management 1 + 3 B in Graded Units
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Adventure Tourism Management 1+3 C or above in the Graded Unit.
Successful completion of 120 credits at SCQF level 7. All students are interviewed as to their suitability and should be able to demonstrate a personal commitment to and provide a log of practical to adventure-based activities.
Queen Margaret BA (Hons) International Hospitality, Tourism & Events Management 1+3 CB in Graded Units and strong tutor reference and personal statement. 240 SCQF credit points in HND
Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) International Tourism Management


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Robert Gordon University

BA (Hons) Events Management


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

Fashion Business

HNC Fashion Business
University Course Type Entry requirements
Robert Gordon BA Hons Fashion Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Business and Management 1+3 C or above in graded unit.

Health & Social Care

HNC Healthcare Practice
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BSC (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health Nursing) 1+3 Must have 675 eligible practice hours.
Dundee BSc Nursing (Adult or Mental Health) 1+3 A in the Graded Unit.
720 practice learning hours and achievement of practice competencies equivalent to UoD year 1.
Completion of a transition programme provided by the School of Health Sciences.
Successful interview.
120 SCQF credits from HNC.
Students on NHS endorsed route are selected prior to starting following interview.
Dundee / NHS Partnership  BSc Nursing (Adult or Mental Health) NHS Endorsed Route 1+3

Pass in the graded unit.

Students on the endorsed NHS route are selected prior to starting HNC, following a tri-partite interview involving representatives from the UoD, the Collaborating Institution, and NHS Tayside. 


720 practice learning hours and achievement of practice competencies equivalent to UoD year 1. 


Completion of a transition programme provided by the UoD School of Health Sciences. 

Edinburgh Napier 3 year Pre-registration Nursing Programme (BN) LD nursing 1+3 1. HNC Healthcare Practice (enhanced) including NMC specified practice hours, at least 600 hrs (min. C pass in the Graded Unit).
2. Clinical documentation (with appropriate clinical documentation for LD nursing provided by Edinburgh Napier via e-PAD (Electronic Practice Assessment Documentation).
3. Placement allocation through Dundee University.
4. Moving and handling.
5. Safe working practice unit. **
6. BLS.
7. Supply of uniforms.

1. Joint selection/interviewing for those seconded by NHS, for LD nursing, including staff members from Dundee and Angus College, provider organisation and Edinburgh Napier. When possible involvement of service user.
2. Tripartite meetings: Dundee and Angus College, NHS. Tayside and Edinburgh Napier.
3. PEF support.
** When learners join us in year 2, we will update their prevention and safe management of violence and aggression training before their new placements. 
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Health and Social Studies 1+3 B in Graded Unit and 120 SCQF credit points in HNC.
Open University Bsc (Hons) Nursing   Evidence of 770 practice hours and employment in a healthcare setting
Robert Gordon BSc Nursing (Adult Nursing) 1+3

Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

  • Minimum of 560 approved practice hours on the HNC. Students would be required to complete an additional 210 hours once enrolled on this course at RGU as part of our nursing and midwifery students make-up time policy. This could be completed in each subsequent year of study (up to 128 hours per academic year) and at the end of the programme.
  • Satisfactory PVG and Occupational Health Clearance.
Satisfactory Interview
Robert Gordon BSc Nursing (Mental Health Nursing) 1+3

–    Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

–     -    Minimum of 560 approved practice hours on the HNC. Students would be required to complete an additional 210 hours once enrolled on this course at RGU as part of our nursing and midwifery students make-up time policy. This could be completed in each subsequent year of study (up to 128 hours per academic year) and at the end of the programme.

-      Satisfactory PVG and Occupational Health Clearance.

-      Satisfactory Interview.- Satisfactory Interview.

HNC Social Services
University Course Type Entry requirements
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Health and Social Studies 1+3 12 SCQF credits with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Open University BA Hons Social Work (Scotland) Credit transfer See articulation agreement for details of credits.
Open University BA/BSc Hons Health and Social Care Credit transfer See articulation agreement for details of credits.
Open University Dip HE Social Care (Scotland) Credit transfer See articulation agreement for details of credits.

Hospitality & Professional Cookery

HNC Hospitality Operations
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with Analytics 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with Events Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Business Management with People Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Digital Marketing and Business Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Digital Marketing with Events Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.

BSc (Hons) Food Science, Nutrition and Wellbeing


1+3 satisfactory completion of HNC.

BSc (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Health


1+3 satisfactory completion of HNC.

BSc (Hons) Food and Consumer Science


1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.

BSc (Hons) Fitness, Nutrition and Health

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Marketing and Business Management 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Glasgow Caledonia BA (Hons) International Tourism and Events Management 1 + 3 B in Graded Units
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Business and Management 1+3 C or above in Graded Unit. Must achieve 120 SCQF credit points in HNC.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Hospitality Management 1+3 C or above in Graded Unit. Must have achieved 120 SCQF credit points in HNC.
Queen Margaret BA(Hons) International Hospitality, Tourism & Events Management 1+3 B in Graded Unit.
Robert Gordon BA (Hons) International Hospitality Management 1+3

Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HNC course.

HNC Professional Cookery
University Course Type Entry requirements

BSc (Hons) Fitness, Nutrition and Health

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC Professional Cookery

BSc (Hons) Food Science, Nutrition and Wellbeing


1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC Professional Cookery

BSc (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Health


1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC Professional Cookery

BSc (Hons) Food and Consumer Science


1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC Professional Cookery
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Events Management 1+3 C or above in Graded Unit. Must have achieved 120 SCQF credit points in HNC.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Hospitality Management 1+3 C or above in Graded Unit. Must have achieved 120 SCQF credit points in HNC.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Textiles Education 1+3  C or above in Graded Unit. Must have achieved 120 SCQF credit points in HNC. Nat 5 Maths and Higher English for GTCS registration

Performing Arts

HNC Acting & Performance
University Course Type Entry requirements
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Drama and Production 1+3 Applicants with 15 credits and grade B or above are eligible to apply for year 2. Applicants will also be asked to submit a recording of a short presentation about a performance they have either watched or participated in, focussing on the production elements. They also need to submit written answers to a short set of questions about their interest in the course.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Theatre Industry Practice 1+3 an interview and/or audition/ portfolio may be required.
Queen Margaret BA (Hons) Drama 1+3 B in Graded Unit.
HND Acting & Performance
University Course Type Entry requirements
Queen Margaret BA (Hons) Performance 2+2 BB.
Queen Margaret BA (Hons) Acting and Performance 2+2 BB.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Drama and Production 2+2 15 credits with grade B or above are eligible to apply for year 2. Applicants will also be asked to submit a recording of a short presentation about a performance they have either watched or participated in, focussing on the production elements. They also need to submit written answers to a short set of questions about their interest in the course.


HNC Applied Sciences
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen BSc Animal Behaviour 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Biochemistry 1+3 



Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Biological Sciences 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33)

Ecology and Ecosystems (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Biology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33)

Ecology and Ecosystems (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Biomedical Sciences 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

A in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Chemistry


Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum to include:
Mathematics for Science (H8XP).
Inorganic Chemistry (B) (H92Y.
Physical Chemistry (B) (H936).
Aberdeen BSc Conservation Biology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33)

Ecology and Ecosystems (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Ecology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33)

Ecology and Ecosystems (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Genetics 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Human Embryology and Developmental Biology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Immunology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Marine Biology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33)

Ecology and Ecosystems (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Microbiology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Molecular Biology 1+3  

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Pharmacology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Physics 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum to include:
Mathematics for Science 1 (H9XP33)
Mathematics for Science 2 (H8XR34)
Physics for Life Sciences (H93F34)
Physics Principles: Heat and Thermodynamics (H93G34)
Physics Principles: Mechanics (H93H34)
Electricity and Magnetism (H93L34)
Physics: Light and Optics (H93J35)
Aberdeen BSc Physics with Astrophysics 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum to include:
Mathematics for Science 1 (H9XP33)
Mathematics for Science 2 (H8XR34)
Physics for Life Sciences (H93F34)
Physics Principles: Heat and Thermodynamics (H93G34)
Physics Principles: Mechanics (H93H34)
Electricity and Magnetism (H93L34)
Physics: Light and Optics (H93J35)
Aberdeen BSc Physiology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Plant and Soil Science 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33)

Ecology and Ecosystems (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Zoology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33)

Ecology and Ecosystems (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Abertay Bsc (Hons) Biomedical Science 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Fitness, Nutrition and Health 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Food and Consumer Science 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Food Science Nutrition and Wellbeing 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Health 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Psychology 1+3 HNC Applied Sciences with Graded Unit: B plus Higher Psychology: B.

BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Scene Investigation


1+3 HNC Applied Sciences with Graded Unit: B plus Higher Psychology: B.

BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic and Investigative Psychology


1+3 HNC Applied Sciences with Graded Unit: B plus Higher Psychology: B.

BSc (Hons) Psychology with Development and Education

1+3 HNC Applied Sciences with Graded Unit: B plus Higher Psychology: B.
Abertay BSc Hons Forensic Science 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Bioscience 1+3 A grade in the Graded Unit and 120 SCQF credit points achieved in HNC.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Environmental Science 1+3 120 SCQF credit points in HNC and C in Graded Unit.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Geography 1+3 120 SCQF credit points in HNC and C in Graded Unit.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Marine Science 1+3 B in Graded Unit
Open University BSc Hons Natural Sciences Credit transfer See articulation agreement for details of requirements and credits.
Queen Margaret MNutrition 1+3

B in graded unit.

Two routes to choose - however applications are made to MNutrition on UCAS.

Route one - Undergraduate masters route where students will be required to undertake an additional 20 credit module "Sustainable Food systems" in year two.

Route two - BSc (Hons) Nutrition route on entry where there is no need to undertake any additional modules. 

Robert Gordon BSc Hons Biomedical Science 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Robert Gordon BSc Hons Forensic and Analytical Science 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.

St Andrews BSc General Degree 1+3 Completion of HNC Applied Sciences with a minimum of 15 credits and an A in the graded Unit. Successful interview at St Andrews.
St Andrews Named Honours Degree in Faculty of Science 1+3 Completion of HNC Applied Sciences with a minimum of 15 credits and an A in the Graded Unit. Successful interview at St Andrews.
HND Applied Sciences
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen BSc Animal Behaviour and Welfare 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33) or Aberdeen Uni online statistics course (BI2021)

Ecology unit (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Biochemistry 2 + 2


Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:

Human Metabolism (H92D35)

Aberdeen BSc Biological Sciences 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:

Human Metabolism (H92D35)


Aberdeen BSc Biology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33) or Aberdeen Uni online statistics course (BI2021)

Ecology unit (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Biomedical Sciences 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

A in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:

Human Metabolism (H92D35)

Aberdeen BSc Chemistry

2 + 2


Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:
Organic Stereochemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (H93035)
Inorganic Chemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (H93235)
Aromatic Chemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (h92n35).
Aberdeen BSc Ecology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33) or Aberdeen Uni online statistics course (BI2021)

Ecology unit (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Genetics 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:
Human Metabolism (H92D35)

Aberdeen BSc Human Embryology and Developmental Biology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:
Human Metabolism (H92D35)

Aberdeen BSc Immunology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:

Aberdeen BSc Microbiology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Aberdeen BSc Molecular Biology

2 + 2


Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:
Human Metabolism (H92D35)

Aberdeen BSc Pharmacology 2 + 2


Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:

Aberdeen BSc Physiology 2 + 2


Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:

Aberdeen BSc Physics 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum to include:

Physics 2 (H93E35)
Electronics (H93M35)
Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (H93K35)
Dynamic Phenomena (J4C0)

Linear Algebra 1 (J2RB34)

Linear Algebra 2 (J2RC35)

Programming Foundations (H17X34)

Aberdeen Zoology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33) or Aberdeen Uni online statistics course (BI2021)

Ecology unit (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen MA Education (Biology) 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33) or Aberdeen Uni online statistics course (BI2021)

Ecology unit (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Organic Stereochemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (H93035)
Inorganic Chemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (H93235)
Aromatic Chemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (h92n35)

Physics 2 (H93E35)
Electronics (H93M35)
Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (H93K35)
Dynamic Phenomena (J4C0)

Linear Algebra 1 (J2RB34)

Linear Algebra 2 (J2RC35)

Programming Foundations (H17X34)

and Interview, Audition, PVG Check, Higher English and Nat5 maths (or equivalent).

Aberdeen MA Education (Chemistry) 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33) or Aberdeen Uni online statistics course (BI2021)

Ecology unit (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Organic Stereochemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (H93035)
Inorganic Chemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (H93235)
Aromatic Chemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (h92n35)

Physics 2 (H93E35)
Electronics (H93M35)
Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (H93K35)
Dynamic Phenomena (J4C0)

Linear Algebra 1 (J2RB34)

Linear Algebra 2 (J2RC35)

Programming Foundations (H17X34)

and Interview, Audition, PVG Check, Higher English and Nat5 maths (or equivalent).

Aberdeen MA Education (Physics) 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit 1

A in Graded Unit 2

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33) or Aberdeen Uni online statistics course (BI2021)

Ecology unit (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Organic Stereochemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (H93035)
Inorganic Chemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (H93235)
Aromatic Chemistry: Theory and Laboratory Skills (h92n35)

Physics 2 (H93E35)
Electronics (H93M35)
Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (H93K35)
Dynamic Phenomena (J4C0)

Linear Algebra 1 (J2RB34)

Linear Algebra 2 (J2RC35)

Programming Foundations (H17X34)

and Interview, Audition, PVG Check, Higher English and Nat5 maths (or equivalent).

Abertay Bsc (Hons) Biomedical Science 2 + 2 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Fitness, Nutrition and Health 2 + 2 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Food and Consumer Science 2 + 2 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Food Science Nutrition and Wellbeing 2 + 2 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Health 2 + 2 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Psychology 2 + 2 HNC Applied Sciences with Graded Unit: B plus Higher Psychology: B.

BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Scene Investigation


2 + 2 HNC Applied Sciences with Graded Unit: B plus Higher Psychology: B.

BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic and Investigative Psychology


2 + 2 HNC Applied Sciences with Graded Unit: B plus Higher Psychology: B.

BSc (Hons) Psychology with Development and Education

2 + 2 HNC Applied Sciences with Graded Unit: B plus Higher Psychology: B.
Abertay BSc Hons Forensic Science 2 + 2 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Bioscience 2 + 2 A grade in the Graded Unit and 120 SCQF credit points achieved in HNC.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Environmental Science 2 + 2 120 SCQF credit points in HNC and C in Graded Unit.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Geography 2 + 2 120 SCQF credit points in HNC and C in Graded Unit.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Marine Science 2 + 2 B in Graded Unit
Open University BSc Hons Natural Sciences Credit transfer See articulation agreement for details of requirements and credits.
Queen Margaret BSc (Hons) Nutrition 2 + 2 B in Graded Unit and strong tutor reference and personal statement, and 120 SCQF credit points in HNC.
Queen Margaret MNutrition 2 + 2

B in graded unit.

Entrants will be required to take the additional 20-credit module Sustainable Food Systems in 2nd year if they wish to follow the undergraduate Masters route. 

Robert Gordon BSc Hons Applied Bioscience 2 + 2 Satisfactory completion of HNC. Achieve an 'A' grade in the Graded Unit.
Robert Gordon BSc Hons Biomedical Science 2 + 2 Satisfactory completion of HNC. Achieve an 'A' grade in the Graded Unit.
Robert Gordon BSc Hons Forensic and Analytical Science 2 + 2 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Achieve a 'B' grade in the Graded Unit.
St Andrews BSc General Degree 2 + 2 Completion of HNC Applied Sciences with a minimum of 15 credits and an A in the graded Unit. Successful interview at St Andrews.
St Andrews Named Honours Degree in Faculty of Science 2 + 2 Completion of HNC Applied Sciences with a minimum of 15 credits and an A in the Graded Unit. Successful interview at St Andrews.
HND Applied Biological Sciences
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen BSc Biochemistry 2 + 2 



Satisfactory completion of HND 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Biological Sciences 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33)

Ecology and Ecosystems (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Biotechnology (Applied Molecular Biology) 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND 

B in Graded Unit

Curriculum o include:
Statistics for Science 1 (H8XT33)

Ecology and Ecosystems (H93A34) or Aberdeen Uni online Introductory Ecology course.

Aberdeen BSc Genetics 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND

A in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Genetics (Immunology)

2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Human Embryology and Developmental Biology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Immunology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Immunology and Pharmacology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Microbiology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND 

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Molecular Biology 2 + 2  

Satisfactory completion of HND

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Pharmacology 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND

B in Graded Unit

Aberdeen BSc Physiology  2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HD (120 SCQF credit points). 

B in Graded Unit

Abertay BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences 2+2

Satisfactory completion of HND

Social Science

HNC Police Studies
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BA (Hons) Criminology 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BA (Hons) Criminology and Policing 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.

BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Social Sciences 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Sociology and Politics 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Criminology 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Criminology and Theology 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Culture, Heritage and Criminology 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Sociology and Criminology 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Culture and Heritage 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Culture, Heritage and Archaeology 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Culture, Heritage and History 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Culture, Heritage and Literature 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Culture, Heritage and Politics 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Culture, Heritage and Sociology 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Culture, Heritage and Theology 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Politics 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Politics and Archaeology  1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Politics and Criminology  1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Politics and Theology 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Sociology and Theology 1+3 C or above in graded unit
Robert Gordon BA (Hons) Applied Social Science 1+3

Satisfactory completion of aforementioned HNC

HNC Social Sciences
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen MA Geography 1 + 3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA History 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Philosophy 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Geography and International Relations 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Geography and Sociology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA History and International Relations 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA History and Philosophy 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA History and Politics 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA History and Sociology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA International Relations and Sociology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Philosophy and Politics 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Philosophy and Psychology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Philosophy and Sociology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Politics and Sociology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Psychology and Sociology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Anthropology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

*Where Anthropology units are not available students may still be permitted to enter the single honours degrees conditional on them taking both first and second year compulsory courses consecutively in their second year. Entry to joint honours will not be permitted under these circumstances.

Aberdeen MA Psychology with Counselling 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Politics and International Relations 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Criminology and Sociology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

*Students must take LS1020 Criminal Law as an extra course alongside the compulsory level 2 courses.

Aberdeen MA Sociology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA General Studies 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Aberdeen MA Psychology 1+3

Satisfactory completion of HNC (120 SCQF credit points)

B in all graded units

Curriculum to include:

Students should take units A & B of the discipline/s they wish to study at Uni. e.g. Psychology A & B. For joint honours programmes, students must take A & B for both disciplines.

Abertay BA (Hons) Criminology and Policing 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC

BA (Hons) Criminology

1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay BSc (Hons) Psychology 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay Bsc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Science Investigation 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay Bsc Hons Psychology with Forensic and Investigative Psychology 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay Bsc Hons Psychology with Development and Education 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC
Dundee MA English (and selected pathways) 1+3 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the graded unit of the HNC
Dundee MA Philosophy (and selected pathways) 1+3 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the graded unit of the HNC
Dundee BA (Hons) Community Education   1+3 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the graded unit of the HNC
Dundee BA (Hons) Community Education Work Based Route 1+3 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the graded unit of the HNC
Dundee MA History (and selected pathways) 1+3 All elements of the HNC. Applicants must obtain a grade A in the graded unit of the HNC
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Culture and Heritage  1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Geography 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Psychology 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Criminology 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Social Sciences 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Gaelic Scotland 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) History 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Literature 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Theological Studies 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Criminology and second subject (from Archaeology; Culture and Heritage; Gaelic Scotland; History; Literature; Philosophy; Theological Studies). 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Culture and Heritage and second subject (from Archaeology ; Criminology; Gaelic Scotland; History; Literature; Philosophy; Theological Studies). 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Gaelic Scotland and second subject (from Archaeology, Criminology; Culture and Heritage; History; Literature; Philosophy; Theological Studies). 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons ) History and second subject (from Archaeology; Criminology; Culture and Heritage; Gaelic Scotland; Literature; Philosophy; Theological Studies). 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Literature and second subject (from Archaeology; Criminology; Culture and Heritage; Gaelic Scotland; History; Philosophy; Theological Studies). 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Philosophy 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Philosophy and second subject (from Archaeology; Criminology; Culture and Heritage; Gaelic Scotland; History; Literature; Theological Studies). 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Theological Studies and second subject (from Archaeology; Criminology; Culture and Heritage; Gaelic Scotland; History; Literature; Philosophy). 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Archaeology 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Archaeology and second subject (from Criminology; Culture and Heritage; Gaelic Scotland; History; Literature; Philosophy; Theological Studies). 1+3 HNC Social  Science (12 SCQF credits) with 3 additional SCQF credits at level 7 which is equivalent to 120 degree credit points, and at least grade C in the Graded Unit will be considered for direct entry to year two.
Open BA (Hons) Social Sciences Credit transfer Contact Open University for details.
Queen Margaret BSc (Hons) Psychology 1+3 A in Graded Unit.
Queen Margaret BSc (Hons) Public Sociology 1+3 B
Queen Margaret BSc (Hons) Psychology & Sociology 1+3

B in Graded Unit and strong tutor reference and personal statement. 120 SCQF credit points in HNC.

Robert Gordon BA (Hons) Applied Social Sciences 1+3

Satisfactory completion of aforementioned HNC

Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Applied Sociology


Satisfactory completion of aforementioned HNC

Robert Gordon

BA (Hons) Applied Psychology


Satisfactory completion of aforementioned HNC

St Andrews FE-HE Pathway to Arts 1+3

Second year entry on the FE-HE Pathway to Arts programme. After successful completion of year two, students will progress directly into year three of one of St Andrews named degree programmes within the Faculty of Arts.

Completion of HNC Social Sciences with a minimum of 12 credits and an A in the Graded Unit. A pass in the relevant 1000 level St Andrews module on the MA Combined Studies programme. Successful interview at St Andrews.

English Route: Social Sciences HNC (A) and semester 2 module (MA Combined Studies) EN1901 pass Module choices - one of EN1003, EN1004, CO1001 or CO1002 plus EN2003 and EN2004. 60 further credits from 1000 and 2000 level options, with at least 80 credits at 2000 level.

Social Anthropology Social Sciences HNC (A) and semester 2 module (MA Combined Studies) SA1901 pass Module choices - SA1002, SA2001 and SA2002. 60 further credits from 1000 and 2000 level options, with at least 80 credits at 2000 level.

History (Mediaeval or Modern) Route: Social Sciences HNC (A) and semester 2 module (MA Combined Studies) ME2901 pass Mediaeval: ME1003, ME1006, ME2003, plus one of AN2003, HI2001, MH2002 or MO2008. 40 further credits from 1000 and 2000 level options, with at least 80 credits at 2000 level.

Modern Route: MO1007, MO1008, MO2008 and HI2001. 40 further credits from 1000 and 2000 level options, with at least 80 credits at 2000 level.

HND Social Science
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen MA History 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of the HND (240 SCQF credits).

BBA in Graded Units, where A is the Graded Unit Project in the discipline/s you wish to continue to study.

Curriculum to include:

History A: Introducing Topics within a Historical Period (FK7V34)

History B: Analysing Topics within a Historical Period (JO2X34)

History C: Evaluating Topics within a Historical Period (JOLS34)

History D: Specialist Study (FK7T35)

Aberdeen MA Sociology 2 + 2

satisfactory completion of the HND (240 SCQF credits).

BBA in Graded Units, where A is the Graded Unit Project in the discipline/s you wish to continue to study.

Curriculum to include:

Sociology A: Introduction to Sociology (FK8R34)

Sociology B: Applying Sociological Theories and Studies to Sociological Topics (J03835)

Social Science: Research Issues (J0NA35)

Sociology C: Analysing and Evaluating Sociological Debates (J0NA35)

Sociology D: Specialist Study (FK8P35)

Aberdeen MA History & Sociology 2 + 2

satisfactory completion of the HND (240 SCQF credits).

BBA in Graded Units, where A is the Graded Unit Project in the discipline/s you wish to continue to study.

Curriculum to include a combination of as many as the following courses as is possible: 

History A: Introducing Topics within a Historical Period (FK7V34)

History B: Analysing Topics within a Historical Period (JO2X34)

History C: Evaluating Topics within a Historical Period (JOLS34)

History D: Specialist Study (FK7T35)

Sociology A: Introduction to Sociology (FK8R34)

Sociology B: Applying Sociological Theories and Studies to Sociological Topics (J03835)

Social Science: Research Issues (J0NA35)

Sociology C: Analysing and Evaluating Sociological Debates (J0NA35)

Sociology D: Specialist Study (FK8P35)

Abertay BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology 2+2 Completion of HNC. HND to include FM43 Criminology
Glasgow Caledonian BA (Hons) Economics Policy 2+2 BBC Graded Units
Glasgow Caledonian BA (Hons) Social Sciences 2+2 AB/BA (ABB/BAB/BBA) in Graded Unit.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Social Sciences 2+2 At least grade C in the graded unit will be considered for direct entry to year three.
Open University BA (Hons) Social Sciences Credit transfer Contact Open University for details.
Queen Margaret BSc (Hons) Psychology & Sociology 2+2 CB.
Queen Margaret BSc (Hons) Public Sociology 2+2 CB.
Robert Gordon

BA Hons Applied Social Sciences


Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course.

Achieve one ‘B’ grade in the Graded Units.

Sport & Fitness

HNC Sports Coaching and Development
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise  1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Fitness, Nutrition and Health 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Physical Activity and Health 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Sport Development and Coaching 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Strength and Conditioning 1+3 Satisfactory completion of HNC.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Adventure Education 1+3 Successful completion of 120 credits at SCQF level 7 in HNC and C in Graded Unit. All students are interviewed as to their suitability and should be able to demonstrate a clear practical commitment, and provide a log of practical to adventure-based activities.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Adventure Tourism Management 1+3 Successful completion of 120 credits at SCQF level 7 and C in Graded Unit in HNC. All students are interviewed as to their suitability and should be able to demonstrate a clear practical commitment, and provide a log of practical to adventure-based activities.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Adventure Performance and Coaching 1+3 Successful completion of 120 credits at SCQF level 7 in HNC and C in Graded Unit. All students are interviewed as to their suitability and should be able to demonstrate a clear practical commitment, and provide a log of practical to adventure-based activities.
Open University BSc (Hons) Sport, Fitness & Coaching Credit transfer Satisfactory completion of HNC.
HND Sports Coaching and Development
University Course Type Entry requirements
Aberdeen BSc Applied Sports Science 2+2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points)

A in all Graded Units

Students must sit Academic Skills for Sport Science Professionals as part of their third year curriculum.

Aberdeen BSc Sports and Exercise Science/Exercise and Sports Science 2 + 2

Satisfactory completion of HND (240 SCQF credit points)

A in all Graded Units

Students must sit Academic Skills for Sport Science Professionals as part of their third year curriculum.


BSc (Hons) Sport Development and Coaching

2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Strength & Conditioning 2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Abertay BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science  2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Abertay BSc Hons Sport and Exercise  2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.

BSc (Hons) Physical Activity and Health

2+2 Satisfactory completion of HND.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Golf Management 2+2 HND 2nd year C or above. Successful applicants will be required to complete a PVG Disclosure Check and become PVG Scheme Members in order to undertake this course. Must have achieved 240 credits in HND.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Sports Management 2+2 HND 2nd year C or above. Successful applicants will be required to complete a PVG Disclosure Check and become PVG Scheme Members in order to undertake this course. Must have achieved 240 credits in HND.
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Sport and Fitness 2+2 HND second year Graded Units C or above. Successful applicants will be required to complete a PVG Disclosure Check and become PVG Scheme Members in order to undertake this course.
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Marine and Coastal Tourism 2+2 HND second year graded units C or above
Successful applicants will be required to complete a PVG Disclosure Check and become PVG Scheme Members in order to undertake this course. 
All students are interviewed as to their suitability and should be able to demonstrate a clear interest in the marine and coastal environment.
Open University BSc Hons Sport, Fitness and Coaching Credit transfer Satisfactory completion of HND.
Robert Gordon BSc Hons Applied Sport and Exercise Science 2+2
  • Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course.
  • - Achieve one ‘A’ in HND Graded Unit (GU2) and one ‘B’ in HNC Graded Unit (GU1)
  • - Full PVG Required.
- Subject to an interview selection process
Robert Gordon BSc Hons Sports Coaching 2+2
  • Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course.
  • - Achieve one ‘A’ in HND Graded Unit (GU2) and one ‘B’ in HNC Graded Unit (GU1)
  • - Full PVG Required.
- Subject to an interview selection process
HNC Physical Activity and Health
University Course Type Entry requirements
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Fitness, Nutrition and Health  1+3  Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Food and Consumer Science   1+3  Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Health  1+3   Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Food Science, Nutrition and Wellbeing   1+3   Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Physical Activity and Health   1+3   Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise   1+3   Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science   1+3   Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Sports Development and Coaching   1+3   Satisfactory completion of HNC
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Strength and Conditioning 1+3   Satisfactory completion of HNC
HND Physical Activity and Health
University Course Type Requirements
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Physical Activity and Health 2+2  Satisfactory completion of HND
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise 2+2  Satisfactory completion of HND
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science 2+2  Satisfactory completion of HND
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Sports Development and Coaching 2+2  Satisfactory completion of HND
Abertay  BSc (Hons) Strength and Conditioning 2+2   Satisfactory completion of HND
Abertay BSc (Hons) Fitness, Nutrition and Health 2+2  Satisfactory completion of HND
Abertay BSc (Hons) Food and Consumer Science 2+2  Satisfactory completion of HND
Abertay BSc (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Health 2+2  Satisfactory completion of HND
Abertay BSc (Hons) Food Science, Nutrition and Wellbeing 2+2  Satisfactory completion of HND
Highlands and Islands BSc (Hons) Sport and Fitness 2+2 HND second year Graded Unit C or above
Successful applicants will be required to complete a PVG Disclosure Check and become PVG Scheme Members in order to undertake this course
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Sports Management 2+2 HND second year Graded Unit C or above
Successful applicants will be required to complete a PVG Disclosure Check and become PVG Scheme Members in order to undertake this course
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Golf Management 2+2 HND second year Graded Unit C or above
Successful applicants will be required to complete a PVG Disclosure Check and become PVG Scheme Members in order to undertake this course
Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Marine and Coastal Tourism 2+2 HND second year Graded Unit C or above
Successful applicants will be required to complete a PVG Disclosure Check and become PVG Scheme Members in order to undertake this course. year 2 with 120 credits at SCQF Level 7
Robert Gordon University BSc (Hons) Applied Sport and Exercise Science 2+2
  • Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course.
  • - Required to ‘Achieve with Merit’
  • - Full PVG Required.
- Subject to an interview selection process
Robert Gordon University

BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching

  • Satisfactory completion of the aforementioned HND course.
  • - Required to ‘Achieve with Merit’
  • - Full PVG Required.
- Subject to an interview selection process


Agreement Types

1+2 = 1 year at college + 2 at uni

1+3 = 1 year at college + 3 at uni

2+2 = 2 years at college + 2 at uni

2+4 = 2 years at college + 4 at uni

Credit transfer = If you have previously studied at the Higher Education level within the last 16 years, you may be able to count your study towards an Open University qualification.


To find out more about articulation or if you have any questions about the routes, please contact our Academic Partnerships team on