BT/EE Customer Service Academy Success
After four weeks of learning, ten individuals have been offered job interviews with one of the city’s largest private sector employers.
The four week Discover Work Partnership academy at Dundee and Angus College was requested by BT/EE in order to recruit trained individuals for their call centres.
The academy was specifically created for the needs of BT and EE with the teaching shaped around the customer service job requirements and the skills and attributes they look for in employees.
Adam Wright, BT Operations Manager in Dundee, shared why the academy was set up. “Unemployment in Dundee is a big problem and we are trying to reach out as a business to the community and see how we can help. The academy was aimed at people who were out of work and those wanting to learn about customer services, to get them set up, so hopefully they can join us long term.”
All of the customer service academy graduates have been guaranteed an interview from BT/EE for customer service advisor positions on their Early Life team which sees to customers who have taken out their broadband service.
Daniel Krupa who took part in the academy shared why he enrolled originally. “I was looking for a job, I’ve been involved in customer service before and just wanted to further myself in that field. It was very welcoming, it covered many different areas and I learned a lot about the inner workings of BT and how they operate.”
Delivered at Dundee and Angus College the academy offered unemployed people the opportunity to receive essential practical skills in an office environment including communication, handling client enquiries, using listening skills, and interview skills.
Support was also on offer from key participants in the partnership for personal development such as digital skills, managing personal circumstances, employer expectations, and financial advice.
Gale McIntyre Head of Curriculum and Quality for Dundee and Angus College helped to create the content of the academy and she said, “This course builds confidence and that confidence allows them to have a good foundation for whatever types of jobs they want in the future.”
BT/EE also hosted site visits and offered an insight into what it is like to work for them.
The BT/EE Academy is the latest in a number of successful events with specific employers in Dundee which the Discover Work Partnership has worked with unemployed residents to support them back into the workforce.
Steven Rome, depute convener of Dundee City Council’s city development committee who attended the final day of the academy said: “The highly practical, custom-made and rigorous way that the Discover Work academies are run is consistently baring fruit for employers and for people looking for a job. Discover Work generates links between those who want a job and companies who are seeking employees so that everyone benefits and I am very pleased to see another successful course completed.”