NHS Tayside’s Estates department partners with Dundee and Angus College to develop future career pathways
NHS Tayside’s Estates Division of the Property Department has launched a new partnership with Dundee and Angus College as its lead training provider to create future career pathways for staff.
Dundee and Angus College will initially provide comprehensive training to the estates workforce, providing opportunities to enhance their skills through adult apprenticeships, Continual Professional Development (CPD) courses and bespoke training as required.
NHS Tayside’s Estates, with a workforce of around 200 people, is responsible for the maintenance and operational running of all NHS Tayside buildings and sites. NHS Tayside Senior Estates Managers Garry Johnstone and George Curley have been working with Dundee and Angus College’s Business Partnership Team to develop the joint venture.
Garry Johnstone - Senior Estates Manager at NHS Tayside, Caryn Gibson - Business Partnerships Manager at D&A College, and Mark Anderson - Head of Property at NHS Tayside.
This new partnership with Dundee and Angus College will deliver a range of training programmes for staff, initially focusing on mechanical engineering and electrical apprenticeships. These programmes will help support and prepare staff for future job roles within NHS Tayside. It is hoped that the training initiative will also improve overall job satisfaction by providing more professional development opportunities.
It will also support future recruitment as Dundee and Angus College students will get the opportunity to take part in work experience placements within the Estates Department. This will offer students invaluable experience of the department’s work and provide potential opportunities to gain future employment upon graduating.
Caryn Gibson, Business Partnerships Manager at D&A College, said: “It’s important for businesses to invest in their people to show them they are valued and that there is career progression where they are. It is a big part of what keeps employees loyal and motivated.
“We are really excited to be teaming up with the Estates Division in NHS Tayside in order to help them achieve this through upskilling their current workforce, as well as exposing our students to work experience opportunities and potential future jobs.”
NHS Tayside’s Head of Property Mark Anderson added: “We are delighted to be launching this partnership with Dundee and Angus College. Our Property team are an essential part of NHS Tayside and the services provided to patients and their families. We know how important it is to invest in our staff, now and in the future, and we are thrilled that this comprehensive training partnership will provide a wider range of career development opportunities within the Property team.”