Associate Trainer Focus: CPD+

Claire Davidson, Director and Course Tutor at CPD+, kindly spoke to us about the work her team deliver to local businesses in partnership with Dundee & Angus College.

1. What training do you provide on behalf of D&A College?

We deliver workplace First Aid Training on behalf of Dundee and Angus College.

2. What impact does this training have on business clients? 

Our training benefits clients as it allows them to satisfy their legal requirements. It’s often the case that employers are not sure exactly what training they require. The skills advisors at the college are able to advise and point them in the right direction. Our training can be delivered at one of the college campuses or on site at a time and date to suit the client.

3. What do you enjoy the most about the training you provide? 

I’m very passionate about teaching first aid. I strongly believe that there is no better life skill to have. It may be a workplace requirement for some but you never know when you may need to use it!


Claire Davidson.

4. What do you like about working with D&A College in partnership?

I enjoy working with the college team, the business team are great to work with.

I previously worked at the college lecturing on some courses for the health and social care team as well as delivering first aid training to staff, students and commercial clients. 

5. What are your thoughts on the benefits of partnership working?

We are proud to partner with Dundee & Angus College, an organisation that means a great deal, and has done so much for many across the region.

My husband, Peter, and I have both assumed the roles of Lecturer at the College in previous years and in different departments. Peter studied and graduated from Dundee College before the merger so it’s an honour to work in association with Dundee & Angus College, an organisation we are both extremely fond of. We are delighted to be able to work with and support them in delivering training to the local business community.

Claire and Peter Davidson.