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Whether you want to study full-time or part-time, from introductory level to HNC or HND, we can help you choose the course that's right for you.

Our courses lead to nationally-recognised qualifications and our long established links with employers and industrial training bodies ensure that your studies are relevant to current employment opportunities and we are continually developing new courses to match new and emerging jobs.

Discover inspiring stories of individuals who made the life-changing decision to Choose College

Choose to change career - Bryan's story

Meet Bryan Cameron, an Animal Care student whose transition from a career in retail to achieving his dream of becoming a veterinary nurse showcases resilience, perseverance, and the ability to overcome obstacles along the way.

From a very young age, Bryan knew he wanted to do veterinary nursing. In his fourth year at school, he did a week of work experience with a veterinary centre, and witnessing the care and compassion shown by the nurses reinforced his passion for pursuing a career in this field.

Bryan worked in the same retail job for 12 years before joining D&A College. His experiences in the retail sector have given him many transferrable skills that are helping him on the journey to his dream career.

Bryan understood the steps he’d have to take to become a Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN). Having successfully completed an HNC in Animal Care, Bryan is on track to achieve an HND in Animal Care. His college experience has taken him into an industry that he had never been brave enough to enter before and has inspired him to continue his education at university to become an RVN.

Bryan has complimented the support he has received from the Animal Care department. Having mild cerebral palsy has meant Bryan has had to find ways to adapt and change certain aspects of life. With this in mind, he wondered how he would get on at college but praised the inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Bryan explained that the department allows students to work towards both academic and personal growth goals, and how they teach and treat their students really does contribute to the experience.

He stated, “The inclusion and support have really made me feel that despite my challenges, I am able to achieve my dreams and work within an industry that I love a lot. The support from the team has also played a massive role in my self-belief and kept my passion and fire alive.”

Bryan advises anyone considering a change of direction, “Always believe in yourself; you can achieve anything you set your mind to, so long as you’re willing to work hard despite any challenge. Keep going and be kind to yourself in those moments where academic life can be taxing. Don’t give up, as you will always feel a massive sense of achievement in the end”.

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