Making a Complaint

At Dundee and Angus College we are committed to providing high standards of service.

If you are unhappy with any of our services or have ideas on how they might be improved, you can follow our Complaints Procedure detailed below.

Complaints procedure

You can make your complaint in person, by phone, by e-mail (to or by writing a letter or using our online form at this link - 

Complaints are likely to include the following (although this list is not exhaustive)

  • You have an issue with the provision, or quality of, or access to, a College service
  • You are unhappy with the outcome of a College process e.g. admissions or disciplinary
  • You are unhappy about the behaviour of a student, staff member, contractor or others involved with the College
  • You are unhappy about how College policies or procedures are applied
  • You disagree with a decision where no other College procedure is available to assist

The following issues will not be treated as complaints, but will be managed under other arrangements

  • Appeals against an academic or assessment decision (See: Academic Appeals Process)
  • Appeals against a student funding award/non-award
  • Any claim for compensation against the College
  • A Freedom of Information or Data Protection request
  • Exam results review

We have a two-stage complaints procedure. We will always try to deal with your complaint quickly. However, if it is clear that the matter will need a detailed investigation, we will tell you and keep you updated on our progress.

Please see our Complaints Privacy Notice (PDF)

Stage 1: Frontline

Where you are dissatisfied with the service we provide and you bring this to our attention, we will always endeavour to resolve your complaint quickly and as close to the point of service as possible. The matter may be discussed and resolved at the time the complaint is made. In any case, we will always aim to provide you with a response within five working days if at all possible.

If you are dissatisfied with our response, you can ask us to consider your complaint at Stage 2.

Stage 2: Complaints requiring investigation

We will look at your complaint at this stage if you are dissatisfied with our response at Stage 1. We also look at some complaints immediately at this stage, if it is clear that they are complex or need detailed investigation.

We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days. We will give you our decision as soon as possible. This will be after no more than 20 working days unless there is clearly a good reason for needing more time.

The response we give you will be the College’s final response.

Next steps

If you are unhappy with our response or the way in which we have dealt with your complaint, you can take matters further.

If your complaint is about assessment (including the conduct of, preparation for, and environment for, assessment), you can complain to SQA or another Awarding Body. Note that SQA will not consider complaints about assessment decisions.

If you are studying for Regulated Qualifications (eg SVQ), you can complain to the qualifications regulator (SQA Accreditation, Ofqual or Qualifications Wales, as appropriate) if you feel that the College and the Awarding Body have not dealt appropriately with your complaint or if you disagree with the outcome. If you are still unhappy, you can complain to the Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman (SPSO).

If your complaint concerned a College service and you remain dissatisfied with our final response or the way we have handled your complaint, again you can contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. We will tell you how to do this when we send you our final response.

Contact Us

Arbroath Campus: Quality Office, Dundee and Angus College, Keptie Road, Arbroath DD11 3EA

Kingsway Campus: Quality Office, Dundee and Angus College, Kingsway Campus, Old Glamis Road, Dundee DD3 8LE

Find out about the complaints we've handled during the last academic year:

Complaint reporting