Regional Outcome Agreement

The key strategic direction and priority intentions for Dundee and Angus College are set out in our Regional Outcome Agreement for 2021-22.

  1. To be a key contributor to the economic growth opportunities created by the Dundee Waterfront, Tay Cities Deal, Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc, Northern Lights E-Sports, Eden Project Dundee, and other developments. Establishing the College as the main skills partner for major regional economic opportunities, working as an effective partner to deliver a skilled and work ready workforce to support jobs growth in areas such as digital, hospitality, cultural tourism, renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, and care sectors.
  2. To deliver a comprehensive, innovative, and future focused curriculum that meets learner and economic needs, improves learner attainment and progression, and embeds essential learner attributes in enterprise, career management, wellbeing, sustainability, digital and metaskills at all levels.
  3. Contribute to thriving and resilient regional communities by ensuring seamless access and inclusive learning opportunities and services, irrespective of background, for all members of our community. We will meet national ambitions for Care Experienced and other disadvantaged/under-represented groups and contribute fully to the achievement of the recommendations contained within A Blueprint for Fairness: The Final Report of the Commission on Widening Access.
  4. Deliver the outcomes of Developing the Young Workforce – Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, working in close partnership with our local DYW Group, employers, schools, and the university sector to deliver streamlined learning and skills opportunities that shorten learner journeys and enhance employment and progression opportunities.
  5. Maintain a regional college that is sustainable in all its forms, delivering sound governance, wellbeing, and effective financial management, whilst addressing the challenge of the climate emergency whilst promoting the international sustainable development goals, and directing the maximum level of resource towards learners and their learning.
  6. Progress our ambitious estates strategy to meet regional curriculum needs, deliver on our Net Zero ambitions, and enhance the learning environment through the creation of a regional STEM centre, redevelopment of the Kingsway tower, and investment to meet regional skills needs.

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Our previous Outcome Agreements are available on the Scottish Funding Council website.